67 Days

67 days.

There are 67 days until I will cross that stage in Kent, Ohio- where I will accept a piece of paper that is supposed to resemble all of the work, time, and energy I have put into the last four years of my life. A piece of paper that supposedly signifies I am ready to enter the real world, leave childhood behind, and officially begin my professional adult life.

Now I know, I just made that sound entirely unexciting… which in all honesty, isn’t really how I feel. However, as excited as I am for my next chapter, it’s a daunting thought- leaving a life of education- one of which I have known and practiced since I was just 5 years old.

In the matter of one day, I will put on a cap and gown, shake the hands of faculty who have become a part of my experience, and say goodbye to a routine I have become so accustomed to these last 4 years.

And no, it’s not over yet- so let’s not dwell in the future. But nevertheless, I’m conscious- conscious it’s approaching, conscious that in just 67 days I won’t be living in this beautiful country across the world where I am getting the privilege to travel, experience, and learn in a way I never even imagined.

It’s a conflicting feeling really. Excited for the future, but also appreciating the present. Embracing the nerves, yet staying calm and collected. Balancing jumping at current opportunities that may not be here in two months, but also taking care of my mind and body.

So here’s to the next 67 days- to the adventure, growth, and end of an era.
