Is it all just an Illusion?

Sustainability. The buzz word of the decade so far. Every product claims to be ‘responsible’, ‘sustainable’, or ‘green’. But how do we really know…? 

I think in the mix of people actually trying to make a change, con artists have gotten thrown into the mix- merely slapping words like ‘sustainable’ onto a label, but failing to uphold their word on the back end of things. This is happening in all production realms whether it’s fashion, cosmetics, or regular old household products.

As a person who is not only passionate about environmental responsibility within the fashion realm, I am also a big believer in living as naturally as possible- being one with the Earth. While scrolling through TikTok, I often see influencers attempting to sell products claiming to be ‘clean’. These always intrigue me and lead me down a rabbit hole of research- and guys… it’s time to start asking questions- challenging what’s out there.

It amazes me- walking down the makeup isles at places like Sephora and seeing a ‘clean beauty’ stamp of approval. Without hesitation, I always pick up the bottle and flip it around… and to no surprise, I find myself staring at an ingredients list almost as long as my to-do list…

Although I understand a road to change and growth isn’t linear, I don’t think we as a world are asking enough questions.

Throughout my entire semester this fall, I have come into contact with a wide variety of people, businesses, and products. At almost every visit or encounter, sustainability was a topic of conversation. And while it was clear some were committed more than others, it always was interesting to hear what was said.

With topics like the environment and ‘climate change’, it’s easy to get down in the dumps- and although scary for some to wrap their heads around, it’s something that needs to be talked about. So, let’s talk.

Where are we at?

After sitting in on a chat with NASA scientist, Gavin Schmidt, this semester, my eyes were opened to the larger climate picture- and here’s what it showed:

Just like any effort or experiment, nothing and nobody is perfect- this also goes for climate models… Schmidt openly admitted that models are wrong, but useful. As we do with fashion, the scientists are looking for trends within these models- especially when compared to history.

Gavin Schmidt lecturing to us right at our very own campus!

To keep it plain and simple, yes, the Earth is warming. As I’ve had explained to me in a Sustainability in Fashion class taken my junior year, extinction is a natural process that occurs on our planet- so, technically the climate disaster always being referenced nowadays has always been inevitable; however, we as human beings are speeding this process up exponentially- and that is where the problem lies. 

The Problem

To some, the Earth warming may sound appealing- warm, sunny days all day, every day? Why not, right?

Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately that’s not quite how it’s going to work. With the overall climate system being altered, this more so translates into reaching weather extremes more frequently and intensely. 

Putting this Into Perspective

In my four months living here in New York City, there were two major rainfall events. Subway stations flooded, burrows under water, and Central Park unrecognizable… Schmidt informed us that in the last three years there have been three massive rainfall events like this in NYC alone- it’s becoming a norm…

Looking back historically, the difference between the Ice Age and 19th century was a matter of 10,000 years. In those 10,000 years, the Earth warmed 10 degrees Fahrenheit. In just over 200 years, the Earth has already warmed 2 total degrees Fahrenheit…

According to Schmidt and his studies at NASA, “in just 200 years, we could end up with a world as warm as the ice age was cold.” 

“All of these changes are due to our actions” – Gavin Schmidt, NASA

Where Climate and Fashion Collide

With this ongoing and heightening crisis, some are starting to wake up.

Take Armando Cabral for instance- with a focus on authentic craftsmanship, slower production, and quality items, he is paving the way for the evolving fashion industry. A true leader who many should take from, his products are made with intention and stories- giving sentiment to every piece.

In today’s fast fashion driven industry, products have lost their meaning. And well…

It’s time to rediscover their voice. 

However, in a world so crowded with empty claims, it’s hard to know who to trust. While many just jump on the bandwagon, others like Cabral are here to make a change. I’ve found that the smallest and quietest have a tendency to be the most mighty at times, so it’s time to turn to them.

Doing the Hard Things Now, So the Future Doesn’t Have to Be

Us speaking to the future… Image Courtesy of: Pinterest

Altering a lifestyle that has been taught to overconsume is not easy, and starting a business in the economy and climate of today to be quite frank- is difficult.

But, Cindy Castro isn’t afraid. Breaking barriers like Cabral, she is also serving as a leader of today’s fashion future. In a money driven world, she makes sacrifices to produce and build an authentic and actual responsible brand- understanding the payoff will be worth it in the end.

So, How Can we Help?

Although there are countless ways we can all contribute to a better future, there’s a few main things I want to highlight-

First, Gavin Schmidt of NASA left us with this insight:

“Harness the power of: voice, authentic concern, and empathy.” – Gavin Schmidt, NASA

Schmidt mentioned how science can’t be argued with people who don’t believe in it. All opinions aside, it’s the truth and honestly why I’m here “talking” to you on this blog… Instead of putting it into written words, I created this to explain my viewpoint a little better.

Second, my advice is this- be thoughtful. Thoughtful about your actions and words- your purchases and habits. 

I’m not here to tell you to stop consuming- it’s not realistic and in fact, I’d be a hypocrite! As much as I love shopping in my closet- choosing from things I already own- it’s no secret that I make a purchase every once and a while… Don’t we all?

But, it’s how we consume that’s important. 

Be curious and bold. In a world that has begun to celebrate authenticity- challenge the status quo, stray from the big brands and discover what’s out there- because I promise you there’s something for everyone- and oh, how exciting it is that you maybe haven’t discovered yours yet!
