2023 in Review

“Travel far enough, you meet yourself.”

The theme of my 2023. I didn’t stay in one place too long this year…

The Beginning

The beginning of my year started with a late start to the spring semester and a trip to Nashville. You see, my ‘aunt’ title got an upgrade from aunt of 3 to aunt of 4… and it was necessary to be there with my family. It was the real first time where I felt as though I’d gotten my priorities straight- school was important, but it would be there when I returned a week later.

Upon returning back to Ohio, I set off to finish my junior year of college. I fell in love with being young- trying to embody everything a 21 year old ‘should’ be doing- 4am bedtimes, morning coffee runs downtown with friends, tailgating at sporting events, etc. I recognized I was living in a time that was temporary- When would I ever be 21, in college, and living in Ohio? As I reflected on my time there so far I realized this chapter in particular needed quite a bit of writing… so I wrote it. 

Leaving was hard- just as Ohio felt comfortable and like home, I packed up my first apartment and said goodbye. It was the first really painful thing I felt of the year. Loss. Little did I know, that move would be the first of many painful goodbyes for the year. Leaving came with learning and I put my Ohio chapter into words- Read it here!

In a two week turnaround, I unpacked Ohio memories and belongings, and packed for my next adventure- Philadelphia.

The Middle

This summer I had the privilege of interning with URBN at their headquarters in the city of brotherly love. I’d been to Philly before- in fact, I used to spend all of my Thanksgivings there for the regional Irish dance competition- fond memories flooded my mind every time I thought about what was to come. 

I had no idea what I was in for. 

Trying to sit here and write about my Philadelphia chapter has my heart bursting and I can’t seem to lose the grin on my face. Love. When I think of Philadelphia I think of love. Love for my career, love for new friends, love of a place, etc. 

This summer was more incredible than I could have ever imagined. My first time living in a city- Moravian Street was the beginning. 

A merchandising intern for Nuuly, I worked a corporate 9-5 job. I was nervous- that corporate life would take over and that I’d get sucked into living the same day on repeat- falling victim to feeling stuck. To my surprise, it was the complete opposite… 

I loved my job- I loved the people and the environment. There were 60-something of us all from different parts of the country. I didn’t know a soul, and within weeks I had found friends who I knew would now be in my life forever. I was excited to go to work every day and made it my mission to have a life post the 5pm hour. I went on walks, read in the park, I explored… and most of the time by myself. I fell in love with life. 

There was something about the routine that grew on me. Prior to moving and beginning my internship I was so terrified I was signing away my freedom to the corporate world. Instead, I’ve never felt so free. I was an adult, free to make my own choices- I found community, connection, and my passions only grew. 

Philadelphia was a breath of fresh air. I started to truly find myself when I didn’t realize I needed to be found… 

August arrived and it was time to yet again, open those suitcases and pack up the life I had only started to create. In a six day turn around, I ventured home, unpacked Philly, only to repack for the biggest move of them all… 

New York City.

The End

I’m not going to lie, New York City may have been a dream of mine years ago, but going into this move, I wasn’t thrilled. At some point along the way these last few years, I had fallen out of love with the city- telling myself I knew it wasn’t for me, but I was going to make the most of the four months ahead.

I was wrong. I was so wrong. 

Nowhere, nothing, and nobody is perfect. But there are parts of New York that I couldn’t help but fall in love with. A big 2023 realization I found was my love and need for genuine human connection. My move to Philadelphia showed me that the world is so big and there are so many people in this world I haven’t met yet. I find such fascination and beauty in people’s stories- all unique in their own way. So, I made it my mission this year to learn as many as possible.

If there’s one thing New York City has, it’s people.

As much as I felt I developed personally in Philadelphia, New York City completed the puzzle. Somewhere in between deciphering my feelings for the place, I felt like a whole human being. Just as there’s an endless amount of things to do in the city, there is an endless amount of things I could say about it… thankfully, I journaled, wrote, and created- finding inspiration in every day.

The amount of personal and professional development I got out of my four months there is honestly such a good feeling. I think it’s important- to reflect on your own accomplishments and be proud of yourself. In fact, I think it’s necessary. See, along the way of navigating this year, I had to learn to love myself- a truly never ending journey, as we all have our moments of self doubt- but in living and being unapologetically myself, I found such happiness. Like nothing could hold me back.

Summary of New York City Thoughts:

The Epilogue

“Travel far enough, you meet yourself.”

Seven cities- four of which I called home. I needed this year- its lessons, rejections, accomplishments- all of it. The highs and the lows, the laughs and the tears. Right before packing up in NYC, I put my thoughts into the video below. As grateful as I am for my travels, I think it’s okay to talk about the hard things… Nothing in life is easy and always has two sides. And while I wouldn’t trade this year for anything in this world, here are some things not everyone tells you about constantly picking up and moving…

Trust the Timing of your Life

I’m filled with such gratitude for this year- fully aware that my accomplishments and journeys could not be possible without the love and support of everyone in my life- most importantly, my parents. Not to mention, the friends who came into my life in 2023 are the reason I am who I am in this moment. Finding people who valued who I am was something I didn’t realize was lacking in my life. In finding myself, I learned to cut out what no longer served me, so I could make room for what did. 

And I have to say… I breathe easier, every single day. 

As I close the book of 2023, and put it on the shelf with years past, I’m ready to begin again. Italy in 12 days. Graduation in 5 months. And then… the rest of my life. It’s easy to get ahead and caught up in all of the uncertainty of 2024- but instead, I will live for the moment and the day- trusting the timing of my life and finding beauty in the confusion of it all.
