A Universal Pastime

I found this while going through old files in my Notes app, and didn’t want this reflection to go to waste…


Uno never used to be my favorite card game. And if I’m being quite honest, I still probably wouldn’t say that it’s my “favorite”.

But while living abroad, where dozens of different languages are spoken, Uno, without fail, has proved itself to be the game that no matter what language you speak, we can all sit around a table and play it together. 

I’m currently sitting on the train embarking on my last solo trip in Europe- for now- and this whole ride my mood has been brought up by observing the family next to me playing Uno as a way to pass the time. It’s early- I’ve been up since 5am- and as someone who’s not a morning person I figured I’d just sleep. But my mood has been transformed by the joy and laughter being emitted by those around me- all because they are playing a game of Uno. I have no idea what they’re saying, but I understand the game and can sense their simple enjoyment of life.

With only a week left, I’m simultaneously watching them and reflecting on my last four months here. Their playing of this game brought me back to my very first trip of the semester in Vienna. It was my first time in a hostel and I met people from Germany, France, England, and South Korea.

Do you know what we played?


It was a game where we all understood each other and could communicate through the simple playing of a game.

Who knew- that a small card game could be so impactful?


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