Weekly Outfit Recap! Week 5

Happy Sunday! We are already 5 days into December… can you believe it?! I know I can’t. These last few weeks have flown by and I don’t know about you but I’m ready for a break…!

This week’s outfit recap is a combination of several outfits from over the course of November. November was a crazy month for me (and I’m sure for you too)! With finals approaching and the semester quickly wrapping up, to having a nagging sinus infection for almost 4 weeks… I’m exhausted. However, I did learn a really important lesson along the way that I think we all can take from: you don’t always have to say yes to everything. It’s so important not to spread ourselves out too thin. I have always been the type of person who doesn’t think twice about jumping at an opportunity, but I’m not going to lie, it kind of came and blew up in my face. I went from being productively busy, to having no time to breathe. I was feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and it not only took a toll on my mental health, but also my physical health. Over these last few weeks, I’ve had to learn how to say no to certain opportunities. It’s so important that we all remember that we only have so much time in a day, or a week. It’s great to stay busy, but we have to remember to prioritize ourselves sometimes… Just taking a simple 20 minutes out of the day to meditate in silence, away from the noisy, technology-filled world we live in is SO important. So, this week I challenge everyone (including myself) to prioritize yourself, your needs, and your health a little more, because if we don’t, we won’t be able to function at full capacity when we need or want to.

As always, have a great week and a rest filled Sunday. It’s time to get excited for the holidays! 🤍
