Is it all just an Illusion?

Sustainability. The buzz word of the decade so far. Every product claims to be ‘responsible’, ‘sustainable’, or ‘green’. But how do we really know…?  I think in the mix of people actually trying to make…

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Where’d All of the Stars Go?

When’s the last time you really took a look at the night sky? And no, I don’t just mean in passing in the late hours- but instead intentionally went outside to see the freckles of…

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Who is Parks Project?

Have you ever visited a national park, or at least have it on the bucket list…? Maybe you just love the mountains, trees, and fresh air. Well, this brand is for you. Upon being assigned…

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My Why.

Oftentimes I get asked, “why sustainability?”. Why did I choose it as a concentration? What does it have to do with fashion? Or overall, what sparked me to begin this journey? While sustainability is a…

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New Season, Now What?

So, you just saw your favorite celebrity, influencer, or public figure wearing the hottest new style. You don’t know how to feel about it, or you love it, but aren’t sure it would look good…

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