Immersed into Chagall

Picture this-

You walk into a room and there is a single painting taking up the entire wall before you. Then, you just happen to look down to see more artwork on the floor below you… In fact, as you allow yourself to glance left and right, up and down, forward and backward, you quickly realize that you’re not only viewing paintings…

You’re in them!

The Hall des Lumieres

This is what we call immersive art.

A now repurposed bank, The Hall des Lumieres is a digital art space in New York City. Opened in 2020, this space has displayed several notable artists including last week’s presentation, Marc Chagall.


Originally born in Russia, Marc Chagall ultimately spent the majority of his time in France where he chose to reside- and be classified as a french painter. 

Always curious, Chagall experimented with a number of different mediums which showed in his presentation at the Hall des Lumieres. By no surprise, I was particularly drawn to the more romantic pieces like the one shown below.

A Couple at the Candelabra; Painted by Marc Chagall

His use of vibrant colors combined with a soft essence drew me in.

The Later Years

As Chagall got older, World Word II was plaguing the Earth. A Jewish man, Chagall and his family fled to New York where he continued to develop his career as an artist. Following the move, Chagall’s wife passed away, and ultimately became the muse of an abundance of his works.

As he got more acclimated with New York, Chagall began venturing outside of the painting realm and used some of his other creative skills. He went on to design the backdrops and costumes for the New York Ballet (Britannica, 2023).

Following his return to France, Chagall continued to use all of his talents- continuing with painting, while also mastering the art of stained glass. 

His legacy continues to live on today as his influence spanned so large and wide in this world. Marc Chagall serves as a reminder to remain multifaceted in this world. He didn’t seclude himself off into one sector of art, but rather was curious and challenged himself every day to find new talents deep within himself.

References: Marc Chagall – Expressionist, Surrealist, Painter | Britannica
