My European Love Letter

4 months. 9 countries. 27 cities. A lifetime of memories.

I’ve been home for 24 hours. As I sat down yesterday to write about some of my experiences it seemed so surreal-detailing encounters and moments shared over the last 4 months- halfway across the world. It simply doesn’t seem real.

It’s a feeling hard to describe with words. But if I had to try, I guess I would say it feels a lot like it was all just dreamed up in my mind. I’m back home, and everything is the same- but yet I myself feel so different.

I’ve been overcome with emotion the last week or so- and especially the last 48 hours. Yes, because I had to leave, but also because I feel as though my cup of gratitude is heavily overflowing.

A while back, I heard someone say- “there are things so good in life that you wouldn’t even know to ask for them.” And it’s true. There are so many nights, moments, people, and encounters that I would never have even known to wish for in my life. And as I carry them with me every day, I will forever look to them as reminders that the best things appear when we least expect them to- and in the end, what’s meant for us will ultimately come.

As trying as that ideology is sometimes, in the end, it gives me peace knowing that the people and things destined for us in this life, won’t miss us.

So, thank you to Europe- for the memories, lessons, experiences, and enrichment. I truly feel the most whole I have in my entire life. You taught me to love myself and the world in a way I didn’t know how to- and for that, I am eternally grateful.


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