Once Upon a Time in Los Angeles

This post has been sitting in the archives for just over a year now and I figured it deserved to see the light of day. Although it is incomplete, I couldn’t stand the thought of readers never feeling the love I felt for this place through the words written on the page that follows. 

In fact, in some ways I view it as kind of poetic I never finished it- it’s very telling of the time I had last summer under the sun- I could’ve written forever. Daily, I reflect on my moments spent in Los Angeles, and those three strangers you’re about to read about… still my best friends to this very day.

This trip gave me perspective and a year later I can confidently tell you that in the most incredible way, I am a different person because of this experience. Still myself in ways, but also older, more outgoing, carefree- A risk taker.

I thought finishing it now would’ve taken away the authenticity of the piece. I can still think back to when I was vigorously typing away last June, with nothing but excitement, awe, and love in my heart. So, here it is, imperfect and incomplete, but full of life, memories, and joy.


Oh where to begin… As I sit here writing this post back at my home in New York, it seems surreal that I actually just spent an entire week all the way across the country. I had been dreaming of going to Los Angeles since I was a kid. There was something about Hollywood that always drew me in. 

Because of an offer to study away through my college, Kent State, I was able to immerse myself in the LA fashion world for an entire week. I almost feel as if I’m writing this post too prematurely –  it’s currently my second full day back home and I am constantly reflecting. Even now, I think about all I was exposed to and experienced and I’m still short on words to describe it all. Surreal? A dream? I go to talk about my time there and everytime I find my response is simply a smile. 

This past week, I made it my mission to fully just live in the moment. I didn’t know what to expect, I didn’t know anyone else joining me on the tour, but I did know I just wanted to be sure I took in every waking second. 

Seven days later, I can proudly report that I did just that.

Over the course of my time there, I had the opportunity to learn, laugh, and experience. It was a week of many firsts for sure – product photoshoots, museums, showrooms, the list could go on.


I don’t even know where to begin here. As I mentioned, going into this trip, I didn’t know a soul. I had talked with two other girls going on the trip, but it was minimal – what we were packing, things we wanted to do, places we wanted to go, but as far as I knew, they were a number and a name on a screen.

Upon arriving in Los Angeles, we all met for the first time and the rest is history. I am so grateful to have found people who I know will now be lifelong friends. I learned a big lesson out of all of that – don’t be afraid to do something alone.

Life is all about experience and adventure. Sure, sometimes we might be a little nervous and hesitant about things like that. I mean, I was flying across the country alone and arriving to a bunch of strangers… What could go wrong? Instead of getting so hung up on all the places things could fall apart, I just focused on the present moment. My literal thoughts consisted of – well, I’m getting on this plane, it’s early, I think I’ve packed everything, I’ll get off the plane in 6 hours, and whatever happens happens. I had to learn to let go. Whatever was ahead for the week was completely out of my control.

From that first day forward, I was so fortunate to have found the people I was about to adventure around California with. We experienced so many different personalities and people. Somehow though, we always left places laughing. Connections were made with every waitress, worker, stranger and I’ll forever be grateful for that. People were kind and happy, never afraid to strike up conversation. 

Of course the “place” aspect of this trip was crucial to the time I had there, but I think the people had a lot to do with it as well. There is no doubt in my mind that I will forever associate Los Angeles with happy memories because of both the people and the place. I don’t think you can have one without the other.


Oh, the places.

Let me tell you, if you find yourself in Los Angeles, you will never be short of a place to go. After my arrival Sunday, I was taken to a hotel in Santa Monica where my entire group was being housed. I wouldn’t have wanted to stay anywhere else. Leading up to the trip, we were told daily about how the hotel was old, and to not expect much. Honestly, when I go back, I’m going straight back to the Cal Mar. Maybe it’s just me, the fact that I was so hyped up on adrenaline and just happy to finally be on the west coast, that the vintage feel didn’t bother me. No, it wasn’t some modern hotel room with fancy appliances, but you know what it did have? A living room, kitchen, bedroom, multiple closets, (and obviously a bathroom). It was a legitimate apartment.

For one week, I got to live in an apartment, in Los Angeles, with my best friends, and just make memories. I don’t think it really gets any better than that. We were located one block away from the beach and just a few away from the Santa Monica Pier. So, upon my arrival to Santa Monica, I was not about to waste any of my time there. We grabbed dinner, ate it on the beach, and had our own little picnic. New people. New place. Complete bliss.

I saw my first California sunset that night. We never saw another after it. We learned about the “June Gloom” that plagues California in the month of June. In simpler terms, the day starts cloudy and ends cloudy due to the marine layer from the ocean. But don’t worry, it burns off by about 9am and it’s all sun from there!

After I got home, I reflected on that first night, and how if we didn’t go to the beach just because we had a tiring day from traveling, we would’ve missed that beautiful sunset that never returned in our time there. It was a reminder to seriously just go out and explore and experience life. It’s the whole idea of – you want to do something? Act on it. Do it. Because you will never be in that moment again.

The week was filled with an abundance of places and if I sat here and wrote about all of them, you would still probably be sitting here for a few days… I mean seriously, how am I supposed to fit 7 days worth of exploration into one blog post!


The food in Los Angeles is every celiac person’s dream. There was not one place that I went to that didn’t offer gluten free options! I had a plethora of different foods from burgers and steak, to salads and ice cream. We were never short of a place to go. I think for this category, pictures speak louder than words, so here are some of my favorite meals!


The fashion in Los Angeles is every sustainable fashion enthusiasts dream. I give a lot of credit to my professor because we would’ve never have seen these places if she didn’t take us, but every time we entered a new company store, somehow it always ended up being right up my alley! Reformation, Patagonia, Aviator Nation, Bleusalt. Absolutely amazing. 


The absolute time of my life. 
