One Thing… From You To The World

I just sat down to finally make and order business cards- a task that has been on my to do list for 4 years now. I’ve made countless designs over the years and never hit print on any of them. I always had so many different interests- so many different irons in the fire, that there was actually a point where I believed I needed 4 different business cards to complement each service or hobby… But in reflection, I was doing myself a disservice really- separating all of those different parts of me. Because in the end, they’re all me- aren’t they? Each different aspect is what makes me whole, both personally and professionally. 

So, it’s decided… one business card it is- for everything. But even with all of the motivation and intention to hit print this time, I am finding myself staring straight at a blank wall.

Name? Easy.

Email? Piece of cake.

Phone number? Could recite it in my sleep.

But a description? …

Who am I? What am I offering? 

This current state of coming up short has me perplexed. As I’ve journeyed through this past year of my life, I feel like I know myself more than I ever have before. What makes me tick and the things that bring joy to my life- the composition of the logs that keep the fire burning in my soul.

And yet I can’t answer this simple question, nor complete this seemingly simple task.

Photographer? Yes. Storyteller? Of course. Stylist? Someday I hope. Creative? Too vague. Marketing? Sure, I’ve worked my fair share in it. Founder? I am, but what meaning does that hold on the page? Creator? Yes. Podcast host? In the works. Social Media Manager? I have been. Mindset coach? Kind of, not really- but then again, yes in certain ways. Irish dance teacher? Ah yes, the most recent iron added to my life flame. But what about educator- that’s the whole foundation of this blog is it not? 

I could keep going, but I’ll spare you the rest.

This whole quandary has brought me back to a rooftop in lower Manhattan this time last year. I can still feel the city air on my face and see the shine of the stars juxtaposing against the lights of the everawake city. While the rest of Manhattan was finding their match for the night, I had found myself differently in conversation with an older gentleman- talking about our who’s and why’s. A business owner himself, I discussed my current studies tied along with my lofty childhood aspirations knowing that as an entrepreneur he would possibly understand what I’m sure many view as insanity or unrealistic.

Not from the exact night in reference, but still, a similar view to the one all those months ago.

As I poured out parts of me to the stranger before me, there’s no doubt he could sense a certain level of anxiety in the deeper parts of my voice. So many diverse yearnings, followed with a to do list that touched the city sidewalks all those stories below from the rooftop I resided on.

As the lights came on and security guards began to herd the crowds out, he asked-

“What is the one thing you want the world to know about you?”

Uncertain, I responded with a question of my own- “What do you mean?”

I’m sure mine seems like a silly question as his was fairly straightforward, but I guess the idea of only being able to share one part of myself with the world paralyzed me. I’m more than just one thing, but if I had to pick what would it be?? Did he mean personally, professionally, academically, …?

He left it open- purposefully not simplifying it down. 

The talker I am took what I’m sure was meant to be a one sentence response and delivered a short paragraph instead- but even then, he viewed it as sufficient.

So, what did I say? How did I sum it all up?

To be really honest with you, I couldn’t give you a word for word report back. I explained the ambitions and passions that resided within me- giving words to that fire that burns. I threw in a few lines about exploration and family- how being an aunt is just as much who I am right there along with my entrepreneurial identity. Different, but both important. 

I remember finishing by letting him know whatever it was, I’d have something of my own someday.

As I finally took a breath from my ramble, I awaited his response. Would he give insight, perhaps a nod of approval- signaling I’d successfully answered the question he posed? 

He smiled, followed by an extension of his hand. 

As I shook this stranger’s hand, as if we’d just closed a business deal, he told me he’d look for me in Forbes 30 Under 30 someday.

And then, he was gone- turned away and lost in the crowd.

Something changed in me that night. My fire started burning a little brighter than it had been. Now it’s been a year, and I haven’t been in Forbes 30 Under 30 yet, but I still have 8 years to figure that one out… but I think of that question often- his question.

“What is the one thing you want the world to know about you?”

I feel like a business card is an attempt to convey exactly that. You don’t know who you’re going to run into or when, so in the chance you get the opportunity to give them a slip with a glimpse into the human before them- what would you want them to know?

What do I want them to know- you to know?

I guess I’m still trying to figure that out.


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