Spring Semester Recap

This past Monday I officially finished my sophomore year of college. I remember starting this semester back in January and thinking about how it was going to be the longest five months of my life. I couldn’t believe I didn’t have spring break until the end of March and no breaks before that… Well, it’s currently May 5th and I have absolutely no idea where the time went. Time is a crazy thing. Anyone have the secret to slowing it yet?

 In the wise words of Matthew McConaughey, I guess all we can do is “just keep livin.”

Classes Completed this Semester:

  • Fashion Show Production
  • Apparel Analysis
  • Fashion Retail Industry
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Art History: Renaissance to Modern



  • Got to spend more time at home than expected
  • Met my baby nephew!

When I look back on it, January was actually a pretty hard month. There was a lot of change and uncertainty. The majority of January actually consisted of spending more time at home than school. Winter break was coming to a close and I was trying to mentally prepare for what, at the time, seemed to be a marathon semester. Little did I know, not even one week after being back at college, I would get sick and go right back home for another week… Needless to say, January had brought a rocky start for sure. 



  • Worked backstage at NBA Allstar Weekend Runway Show
  • Went to my first NBA game
  • Went to Nashville for the first time
  • Sat on a panel for prospective fashion students
  • Started my own greeting card business
  • My parents got a puppy!

February was a month of new beginnings and spontaneous adventure. As the month started, I was struggling to find a job (I know, I’m on a college campus… how hard could it be?) well, apparently hard. So, instead I decided to venture out and start an Etsy store. I spent the majority of my time designing and hand painting cards. It was a nice escape.

Come mid-February, I received a text from a friend, asking if I wanted to work backstage at the NBA Allstar Weekend Runway Show… I couldn’t believe my eyes. Just a few short days later and I was there. I had the opportunity to meet and dress so many influential people. I was on cloud 9. I had to get up at 4:15 that morning, and then work for the next 8 hours, but at the end of the day, I remember getting back to my dorm, immediately putting my pajamas on, crawling into bed, and thinking I wanted everyday to be like that day. I didn’t care that I had to get up at 4am and was exhausted by 3pm, I was exactly where I wanted to be.

Two short days later, I made the spontaneous decision to join my parents on their trip to Tennessee. I went to Nashville for the first time and got to have some much needed quality family time.

After being gone for a week and continuing with my classes virtually, I returned back to campus and went to my first ever NBA game! I had the time of my life, and next thing I knew, the month was over.

February was really a month of firsts and experiences I will never forget.



  • Fashion Student Organization fashion show
  • Went to the Cleveland Museum of Art for the first time
  • Worked on the film set of the KSU Annual Fashion Show
  • Modeled in the film version of the KSU Annual Fashion Show
  • Was an extra for the School of Fashion promo video
  • St. Patrick’s Day – favorite holiday of the year!
  • Went line dancing for the first time
  • Went back to Tennessee and spent time with family

February very quickly turned into March and brought on more new experiences and opportunities. Overall, I would say March and April were months of fashion shows. The first week of March, the Fashion Student Organization had their semesterly runway show highlighting all thrifted garments! That same weekend, I visited the Cleveland Museum of Art for the first time. I fell in love with the city environment. There’s just so much opportunity and liveliness!

From that point on, the rest of March was heavily dedicated to Kent State’s Annual Fashion Show production. I had the privilege of working with a film crew from Cleveland and got to learn the ins and outs of what it’s really like to be on a film set. That same week, I even had the opportunity to model in the show! In addition to that, I ended the week by being an extra in a promo video for the School of Fashion. Just so many cool opportunities were all being thrown at me in that matter of a 5 day span! Needless to say, it was definitely one of the best weeks of March.

As soon as we wrapped filming, spring break was here… You see what I mean?! How can we already be at the end of March?!



  • Went to NYC
  • Turned 20
  • Received a scholarship through the School of Fashion
  • Worked as a Backstage Manager for the KSU Annual Fashion Show
  • Attended a seminar at PPG Paints Arena in Pittsburgh
  • Modeled in a spring photoshoot

As spring break came to a close, I was left starting the month of April full of gratitude as I got to spend the majority of my break back down in Tennessee. Overall, April was a month of excitement, but also a major period of growth and learning for me. Although I had some time to rest over spring break, I spent a large chunk of time applying to jobs and internships for the summer, looking to get experience in the fashion industry in any way possible. I think I applied to about 20 different positions, probably more. So, with those applications in late March, came a lot of rejections in April. Most places I didn’t even hear back from. I just kept sending more and more applications in and began to feel a bit apprehensive about what my summer was going to look like. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I know many believe that line to be one of the most cliché things ever, but when I reflect on my life and where I am now, it honestly is true. I had to learn to take a breath and realize that I was doing everything that I could do.

The first weekend of April I had the opportunity to go to NYC for less than 48 hours. I don’t think I’ve ever crammed so much into such a small amount of time. I went to my first comedy club, visited the Kent State NYC Studio, went to SOHO – the list could go on for days. It most definitely was in the top 3 experiences of the semester. I felt like I was home. Don’t get me wrong, I love the country and rural settings. But there is something about a city. It’s so alive and I just feel there’s endless opportunities waiting! While I was there, I got to explore new places and found the most amazing gluten-free bakery. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

In the blink of an eye, I was back in Kent and already preparing for the in-person production of the KSU Annual Fashion Show. I was honored to have gotten to work on the production team this year as the Backstage Manager. So many laughs, skills, and experiences all bundled up into such a small amount of time!

In the midst of all of that, I somehow managed to begin a new decade of my life and turned 20 just last week! It’s funny, I hear so many say that 20 is no big deal. Nothing new really happens. I don’t know though; I didn’t really feel that way. 20 represents a new chapter in my life and I couldn’t be more excited. My parents came up for the weekend and got to see the fashion show production, along with also supporting me at a scholarship ceremony! It was wonderful to have them here and see me in this new element that I’ve been immersed in for quite some time now.


Highlights (so far):

  • Offered (and accepted) a summer job!
  • Leave for Los Angeles in one month!
  • Finish my sophomore year of college

And now we’re here… somehow. I’m really not quite sure where the time went. Classes ended Monday, my last final is next Monday, and I’m moving out this weekend. 

Oh, and remember at the beginning of April when I was getting my fair share of rejections and I said it was supposed to happen that way? Well, I was right. This past week, I accepted an amazing job offer and am super excited to start when I get home next week! If I hadn’t gotten all of those nos, I wouldn’t be in the position I am now. It’s truly amazing the way the world works.

Now we are only 4 days into May, so there’s not much to conclude from this month yet, just that I’m excited about where it’s headed and where the summer will take me.


This semester was big for me. When I say that, I don’t mean accomplishment wise or anything like that. Sure, I got to experience some pretty amazing things, but I more so mean it was big in the sense of learning. 

I’m not going to lie, after the fall semester, I felt a little lost and out of place. I was questioning a lot of my choices and had a lot of things I needed to consider. Was I happy at the college I chose? Did I make the wrong choice? What was I going to do?

As the spring semester progressed, I learned that sometimes we just need to be a little patient. Here I am, 5 months later, and I couldn’t be happier about where I am. I guess I really had to learn that good things really do take time and that everything will come when it’s meant to.

I’m leaving this semester beyond grateful, reflective, and excited for what’s to come.
