The Importance of Stopping to Smell the Roses

Upon taking a visit to the Whitney Museum of American Art, I was asked by my professor to simply wander. To not focus on anything specific, and rather, just be. Observe all around me, clear my mind, and find inspiration.

It’s funny, inspiration seems to come when we are least looking for it.

As I made my way down each floor, from top to bottom- taking momentary pauses to see New York from a higher perspective out on the balconies- I encountered several different pieces, each telling a story of their own. And then I saw this…

His Estate

A combination of two different photos- yet very similar. Juxtaposing generations.

Having had a recent yearning to be with the earth and its natural beauty, this image stood out to me. Perhaps I can’t find exactly what I’m looking for in that department here in the city, but if I could just stand, and stare for a few moments, maybe I could place myself there- on the side of a road, staring at these flowers, while the sun shines, birds chirp, and wind whirls through the air. It’s peaceful

Feeling inspired by the imagery, I looked to the right to learn more about the depth of this piece. Every picture has a story, right? Well, upon digging deeper into His Estate I fell deeper in love. 

The top image was taken years ago by Photographer Mary Manning’s father. This specific image pulls a memory from their childhood, where Mary’s dad, Mike, requested to pull the car over while embarking on a family trip. Although as a child, these moments were jumbled with feelings of “exasperation”, Mary now mentions the fondness these memories hold. Following Mike’s passing, through the use of their dad’s old camera, the image was recreated in 2022.

His Estate insists on the importance of the everyday: people, objects, and moments made extraordinary through the artist’s careful attention to them.”

-Whitney Museum

I felt as though that excerpt perfectly embodied what I was doing there, that day, in the museum. Finding the importance in everyday, even if it means focusing on the tiniest thing to receive a glimmer of positivity, hope, or beauty. A smile appeared on my face as I envisioned my family when I was a child, a car full of all 6 of us. I thought of all the times trips didn’t go as planned, and we made unexpected stops that resulted in the best memories. I felt grateful. 

I was meant to see His Estate. It served as a reminder- to slow. In a city that walks so fast, to remember it’s okay to stop on the sidewalk and breathe for a second. To look at the building in front of me and observe.

A Reminder to Yourself

Next time the world seems a little too busy, or the weight on your shoulders gets a tad too heavy- pick a museum. Any museum. Find a friend or go by yourself. Immerse yourself in art. You don’t have to understand it. Just wander, look with your eyes, and just be. You never know… inspiration might be right around the corner.
