The Truth About Adulthood

A few days ago, I came across this Instagram reel asking everyone under the age of 18 to ask a question in the comments, and everyone over the age of 18 to answer those questions with advice.

I thought this was a really intriguing concept, and to be quite honest, wasn’t sure which direction the comments section was going to take… Were people going to take it seriously, or would it all be some big joke?

Upon clicking that little message bubble, I was immediately moved by the words I was reading before me.

People had chosen to take it seriously.

There was such a wide range of things being asked from “Does life actually get better? Please be honest.” all the way to a 15 year old wondering if there was something wrong with him because he still hadn’t had a girlfriend- ultimately concerned that he was already falling behind in life. Fifteen…

Overall, the tone of the comments emanated a lot of hurt and confusion.

All of the questions were so deep and insightful- a lot of them actually questions I sometimes ask myself as a 21 year old. So when realizing the age of the people these inquiries were coming from, I got chills… But then I remembered what it was like being a teenager. And then I compared it to being an adult… Ultimately realizing the two aren’t all that different.

Growing Up

I think growing up is a really interesting thing. I remember being younger and looking at people my age now and thinking they were so old and wise. As I’ve grown up myself, what I am learning more and more is that adults are really just bigger, more mature looking kids. Simply humans who have just been here longer in this world. Sure, over time and aging, you gain more perspective and life experiences, but in the end, no matter your age, I feel as though we all revert to craving those “childish” feelings of love, laughter, and belonging.

As I continued to read I stumbled across a comment, offering insight from someone a bit later in their life. She said,

“50 year old here. There is no such thing as adulthood. It’s a scam. You never will 100% have it figured out, but you also will feel fine about that fact the older you get. Years give many perspectives, patience, and a feeling of calm. You have survived everything you have gone through so far, likely you will continue.”

My Advice to You

So to anyone, any age, I have 6 pieces of advice for you from my life experiences thus far…

  1. Don’t rush life.
  2. Cherish the people who feed your soul.
  3. Appreciate what you have in the present moment.
  4. Not every day is going to be perfect.
  5. There are so many people and places you haven’t discovered yet.
  6. Be YOU!