Turning Passion into a Career with Milagros Cerdeira

Image Courtesy of: Broadway World

Do you have something you love doing, but don’t think it’s possible to pursue in the future? 

Well, at the age of 14, Milagros Cerdeira thought the same thing. Her love? Makeup.

The Beginning

She was always into it as a child and began working in it as a teenager- but long term, Cerdeira never saw it as a career. In fact, when it came time to graduate from high school and choose her next steps, she didn’t even blink twice, and ultimately went to college to receive a conventional degree. 

As Milagros continued to grow, makeup was still present in her life in one way or another. Upon being asked a favor for a friend- to step in and do makeup for theater one night- her view suddenly changed. But it wasn’t all that simple…

In listening to Milagros speak, I was reminded of the importance of risk taking- nothing good in life ever comes from just sitting around and watching the world pass you by. 

Although Cerdeira had never done theater makeup before and was hardly given any information or references for the look she would be executing, she didn’t let that stop her- ultimately saying yes to the opportunity. By taking that risk, Milagros’ career as a makeup artist had officially begun. Having excelled in the job, she was asked to stay on the job- finally realizing her passion for makeup could be a career.

Making Makeup a Career

With beginning a new career, came dipping toes in new waters. Milagros dabbled in television and film, but quickly realized how unsustainable that schedule was for a mother with young kids. As a makeup artist on a film/tv set, long days await, and there’s a lot of sitting around. Cerdeira made the decision to pursue Broadway makeup full time- ultimately working on many well-known shows including Lion King, Mean Girls, Rocky Horror… the list only continues. 

As Milagros continued, I began picking up on a certain terminology she was using- designer. Not makeup artist. And just like that, I was introduced to yet another career opportunity available to us in this abundantly large world of ours…

In my eyes, I view it very similar to styling- bridging a connection between the fashion and makeup realm. Milagros designs makeup looks for shows, ultimately leaving others around the world to carry out her vision.

It’s Not Personal

In pursuing such a creative field, Cerdeira offered up her #1 piece of advice- 

“You have to learn not to take it personally.”

– Milagros Cerdeira

Rejection is a natural part of life- whether in personal or professional scenarios, it happens to all of us. With rejection comes a very normal feeling of deflation- but, when something is your job, the show must go on…

Milagros included how overcoming rejection was a turning point in her career. Once she was able to realize her boss’ dislike for a design had nothing to do with her, she was able to move on, find a new direction, and deliver something new.

Although makeup may seem a tad disconnected from fashion, the worlds are wildly similar. Both having a knowledge of the industry, trends, and history- just as a makeup artist needs to know what defining characteristics come out of a decade when applying cosmetics, stylists and fashion designers must do the same with clothing. 

Leaving Advice

Before we parted ways, Cerdeira left us with this encouraging piece of advice-

Advocate for yourself, because you’re worth more than they think you’re worth.

– Milagros Cerdeira
